Plastic is a hotly debated material and easy to work with, but it can cause damage to the environment. Do you drink bottled water? Then you are creating a lot more waste to our environment. Today more than 480 billion plastic bottles were sold around the world in 2016, and this figure is expected to rise to 583.3 billion by 2021. It will create environment crises on our planet.

Plastic manufacturing and recycling involve several important steps:


Plastic is a semi-liquid, as a mixture of oil, ethylene, propylene and other materials. The semi-liquid mixture depends on the type of plastic and company that’s making it. Some plastics are harder and others can be softer. If plastic bottles are recycled, they’re made largely from older plastic. 


There are several ways to mold plastics. In most processes plastic has already been cooled and worked into granules. The plastic granules are usually fed into a heating hopper, which melts them down and then pushes the melted plastic into a device used to create a bottle.

Packaging bottles:

The bottle is filled with the product it’s made to contain and also paper label is glued to the front. This is done by machines, which grip the bottles and bring them towards a filling machine that loads a prescribed amount of liquid to the bottle. Plastic bottle manufacturers then grouped and send bottles to specific vendors or consumers.

Consumption and collection:
The bottles sold through vendors or through directly from the factory. After being used, they can be recycled. In most of the cities, recyclable plastics are collected and sorted by type and send to be recycled. 


During the recycling, process bottles are cut into flakes, washed, cleaned, and sold back to companies it will use by them. Here the plastic products are melted into plastic mixtures when the company begins production of next step plastic products.

Here we have the best PlasticProduct Manufacturers in Kerala “smart packaging”. They manufacture a different kind of bottles includes spray bottles, plastic tabletcontainer, toilet cleaner bottles, hand wash bottle plasticetc. This is one of the trusted and leading manufactures all around India.

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